Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Ukrainian Revolution

I have had it with this revolution. Every day the sun shines but it’s still dark outside. What could I do to add a little brightness to this world?
The man looks at his computer while his favorite song is stuck in his head, starting to hum out loud.
I know, I’ll take my piano and play the police men out in the square a song. I’ll play them the songs my grandmother would play for me when I was little.

As I push my piano out of my flat and into the street I feel multiple eyes staring at me. I hold my head up high and push the piano into the middle of the street right in front of the police. Taking my seat I see confusion on their faces, as I play I lose myself into the music. Looking up I see some men looking straight forward and trying to stay serious. Others have their eyes closed in captivated by the music. Maybe they too listened to these songs when they were little. Remembering back when they were little the innocence of not knowing that we would one day live in a country that’s in total chaos. After the finale note of my last song was played someone started humming. I started to play that song and every police man was smiling. It felt amazing to bring a little joy to their day.    

1 comment:

  1. I love the scene of contagious joy you've imagined and described in those last few lines, with the humming and the officers' smiles. It seems the only way to survive the brutality of this world is to look for the beauty, or make it if you have to--just like this artist did with his piano. Thanks, Beatrice!
