Thursday, January 22, 2015

My Classmates Pieces

I really liked how all of my classmates stories took me to to a place I have never been before. When I read Jane's I felt like I was in England and then sucked into a magic box that ended up at the circus. In Emmi's I felt like I was right along with Bekah sitting watching the party that was going on. Boo's was intense I can't believe  she actually went through all of that training. Jane and Emmi both found inspiration from something they found and I really enjoyed reading with what they came up with. Boo's was interesting because she talked about something she already owned and shared her memories. It was fun to learn more about her. I'm looking forward to reading their future stories.      

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for taking time to offer your classmates some thoughtful feedback. I know they appreciate it, and so do I!
