Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Finale Polish

The bells jingle as the door closes the last customers of the day heading out. The Old Man wipes down the counter as he looks around the gas station; the isles bear, the soda fountain running on its last bit of coke. The depression hasn’t been too nice, less people were coming in to get soda. People really didn’t buy cars anymore and if they had a car they would sell it for money. Pop’s Shop gas station had been the most popular place in town. Kids would stop in after school for a soda. New customers coming in as they filled up their gas tank. The Old Man couldn’t wait to hear about the new people, where there going and where they have been.   He can still see the kids sitting at the soda bar enjoying a good laugh.
One time a man came in dressed in an all-white suit. The poor guy was the best man at his best friend’s wedding and forgot to pick up the ice. That would have been no big deal if it hadn’t been 98 degrees that day. The Best Man was freaking out he didn’t know how he was going to get the ice in the car and drive it over to the church without the ice melting. The Old Man just smiled the whole time knowing that all the best man needed was a cooler.

The old man walked over to the door gave the gas station a finale look and locked the doors for the last time.    

1 comment:

  1. I've seen this scenario in real life--the best man or someone else dashing for a last minute forgotten item. At my wedding, the groomsmen had to run to Dillon's to buy all new flowers about 30 minutes before the ceremony when the florist delivered the opposite of what I had ordered. It seemed like a huge deal at the time.
