Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Writers As Readers

The perfect spot for reading is on the beach sitting on a chair that reclines a little bit. Unfortunately for me I live in Missouri and hardly ever get to read at the beach. My favorite reading spot is in my room on my futon with the sun light shining in through the window raped up in my purple blanket.

I am one for getting on the book bandwagon. If a lot of people like a book then I will probably like it too. One book I never got into was the Divergent book. The only reason why is because the main characters name is Beatrice, but somehow it is changed to Tris. People then started asking me if they could call me Tris. I wasn’t going to read the book in the first place, but then after that I really did not want to read Divergent.

You can absolutely tell when someone reads a lot. People who read more seem to have a bigger vocabulary and do a very good job of describing things. What we read does reflect what we write. What we choose to read is based on our interests. When J.K Rowling was a little girl she would pretend that she was a witch. Now she has taken her interest and has made a whole new world just with her writings.     
Sci Fi isn’t my favorite but I like it a lot. In sci fi there can be a whole new planet and that’s cool. It makes things that we wouldn’t be able to do seem real. I also like that the characters problems are a lot different than mine. A problem for me could be that the outfit I wanted to wear wasn’t washed so I can’t wear it today. A problem for a sci fi character is a powerful wizard is trying to take over the world and for that to happen the main character must die. I know I am never going to have that problem so it’s cool to read about someone who does.

Back in 7th grade my mom got really sick and we had to go live with her sister for a little bit. My aunt lives in New England so I wasn’t able to attend school for a little bit. With all that time I had I read the Hunger Games. This was before the Hunger Games was a big deal. I read the Hunger Games in one night, turning the page as fast as I could, and reading twist after twist. As soon as I could I got a hold of Catching Fire and finished that just as fast. While I was in New England I didn’t have any friends and my cousin had to go to school, I spent all day reading and rereading those books. 


  1. Reading on the beach sounds so amazing and relaxing! I definitely want to experience that at some point. I read a lot of well known books to see what everyone is talking about too because if getting super popular, it usually means its pretty great. I agree that Sci Fi books are really interesting because so much imagination had to be put into a story like that; its fun to read about life in a different word or dimension.

  2. Sounds like books were your friends while you were living away from home. I always associate your name with the Beatrice in Dante's Inferno...I had forgotten about Tris. If you ever get past the nickname, you might really like Divergent...since you loved Hunger Games so much. I like to read what everyone else is reading, too, but I usually get tired of a series by the 3rd book, even Mockingjay.

  3. I agree about the sci-fi books. It's hard for me to get into because it's harder to relate. But I can the appeal of escape. For me, it's easier and more enjoyable to watch sci-fi movies.
